Freqently Asked Questions

Who are we kidding?

ANSWER: We haven't had anyone ask any questions yet because this app is brand new. But we have some idea of what we would ask a service like this, so we are going to give it our best shot.

See our perceived Questions
and real Answers below

Why are you doing this?

ANSWER: We love trails. We love riding on trails. We hate stopping on trails because they are washed out, muddy, have trees or have other issues. Worst case, you crash/stop. Best case you were taking a selfie. We learn for all of these moments.

Most of the time we don't know who to report issues to, or want to get our phone out of our bag to document them — so this is the laziest, easiest way we can think of submitting data on our rides that can be analyzed and interpreted to help agencies fix stuff.

I don't do Strava.
Is there another way I can send reports?

ANSWER: Currently no. We understand that some of you don't do social stuff online and we totally respect that. One way around this is to get a Strava account but lock it down and only do Private activites. When you connect with us, we can read your Private activities and only take information we need to plot stops.

I hike trails, can I send along that data?

ANSWER: Absolutely, just label it as such. We are really trying to establish patterns and to do so, we are trying to keep our activity types narrowed to mountain bikers.

Can I just fix the trails myself?

ANSWER: Yes you can! But getting connected to the right agency to do work is key. By no means are we wanting people to just start digging on their own, this can sometimes make things worse. Future enhancements will continue to connect you with trail pros, so hold right and keep sending your activities along.

Do I need a phone to contribute?

ANSWER: No, but you do need to have a GPS device that records your rides.

How do I remove my account?

ANSWER: If you no longer want to submit your data, 1) Log In to your Strava account 2) Go into your Settings under the little dropdown by your photo 3) Select My Apps from the side menu 4) Click "Revoke Access" next our app.

Can I see how you're using my data? I would love to see how it's being used alongside other users.

ANSWER: At this time, this is not possible, but we absolutely want you to see your data in action. Beyond that, we want you to show off to your friends how your contributions helped fix that issue they all know about — like that rutted out switchback.

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